Family Emergency Lifesavers

Family Emergency Lifesavers: Today, records reflect that COVID-19 and its variants changed our lives forever. Also, during that time in the U.S., we’ve experienced civil unrest, devastating wildfires, and tornadoes. Additionally, there were floods and power outages. Furthermore, conditions globally left us with unexpected shortages. Many have not previously experienced or even imagined enduring these events. And many were not prepared to deal with a crisis. 

Facing emergencies is global. And although I’ve not specifically researched, my guess is it is rare that someone escapes a serious encounter. 

Furthermore, it’s amazing that most of us are not prepared. Here I am in my home office working on a marketing project. And looking out my window, I observe a smoke-filled sky. Santa Fe has a fire to the NW about 21 miles away. And the largest fire recorded in New Mexico to the NE, about 25 miles away. Fortunately, Santa Fe, at this time, is not in danger. 

Moreover, the fires started over a month ago and are intense. However, the winds are strong, and the fires could shift direction. We watch the alerts carefully. The Internet makes that easy. A plan is in place if our situation changes. 

And I write of this because it’s a case in point. Furthermore, it’s timely that I reach out to my followers to send the message of urgency on guidance on preparedness. TO BE PREPARED EQUATES TO SURVIVAL! Thus, I address FAMILY EMERGENCY LIFESAVERS. 

One Family Emergency Lifesaver is YOUR Cellphone

Your cellphone is your lifeline to the outside world. And it’s your only communication for assistance from first responders, law enforcement, or public services. All of which guide you to safety. The Internet has updates on conditions and safety. Furthermore, your cellphone sends frequent local alerts. Keep in touch with loved ones. And be in the know. It’s a matter of life or death.

Are you prepared for a power outage? Is your cellphone charged?

Are You Prepared for a Power Outage?

What happens when there is a power outage? It would help if you kept your cellphone charged. Moreover, keeping your cellphone charged is PRIORITY as your family emergency lifesaver. Below are a few tips

  • Firstly, charge your cellphone using your laptop’s USB port. Indeed, this action drains the battery, but your cellphone takes priority. And your cellphone connects to the Internet so that you can make emergency calls.
  • Besides using your laptop’s USB port, another source is your car battery during an outage. Use the USB charging port or your USB car charger. Consider this option before using your laptop’s USB port.
  • Also another source for charging is a solar-powered charger. Consider having one on hand. Charge your cellphone during hours of sunlight!
  • Another charging alternative is to use an external battery pack. This is another device to have on hand to use for emergency survival. And, if you have one, always keep it charged! Emergencies happen unexpectedly!
  • During these times of surviving an emergency, conserve your cellphone’s power. Put your cellphone on airplane mode. And lower the screen’s brightness. Surely, turn off all applications that are running in the background.


Plan – Don’t Panic – How to Prepare ALL Emergencies – Your Pantry and More! Your Family Emergency Lifesavers

Heads up – prepare for ALL emergencies. Sit down with family and plan for every possible situation. Use maps for evacuation planning. And give out assignments. Furthermore, plan for your precious pets. Pantry guidance HERE. Planning saves lives. You know what you need to have in hand. And in place. 


TIMING IS EVERYTHING. Staying CALM is a PRIORITY when faced with an emergency. Here is something that you should keep in mind:

It’s a fact that when we are unexpectedly faced with an emergency to deal with, we PANIC. There is an emotional reaction to the danger that we face.

Stay calm and focused. You are the Captain of your ship! You are your family’s emergency lifesaver. When one’s body is stressed, it moves into survival mode. In other words, your body naturally prepares itself by overproducing the stress hormone cortisol. The cortisol goes to the brain and causes a slow-down in the process of the pre-frontal cortex. Oh, OH! That’s where one thinks critically. It’s your executive function. The result is that you, the captain of your ship, are no longer in control. The amygdala enlarges, taking over. Additionally, one’s hippocampus narrows, affecting learning and memory functions.

Calmness, as you face an emergency, is critical to survival!

So you see, one reacts – due to biological factors – emotionally. You are not calm! As you face an emergency – it is critical and a priority that you stay calm.

In summary, staying calm during an emergency is important. Take necessary steps to remain calm.

Your Natural Calming Solution – AND You Will Be Calmed in a Snap!


Brān is the flagship product of Velovita. Expect an instant uplift that may support healthier brain performance by working in 3 stages:

  • Alpha Stage Instant Mental and Physical Boost 
  • Beta Stage Improves Mood – Supports Positive Thinking – Supports Feelings of Calmness
  • Omega Stage Improves Mental Acuity – Boosts Mental Performance -Improves Focus & Alertness

We address three-stage nootropics (nutrients that positively impact brain function and health) delivered through leading-edge nanotechnology in a unique package (the Snap!) that fits in any pocket.

And it is different from coffee and energy drinks. Also, It’s less expensive and healthier for your mind and body.

Set Yourself Up for Calmness EVERY Day, AND You Will Prepare Yourself to Meet the Challenges of Emergencies!

Learn about Brān HERE. Furthermore, learn how to vitalize your life by reading my Blogs Brain, and Nootropics Support Brān for YOUR Brain.