ALL THINGS PET HEALTH AND INFORMATION: Our dogs help us feel happier and, in many cases, healthier. Furthermore, studies show that when youngsters care for their pets, their immune systems improve. Furthermore, dogs are regarded as ideal therapists, assisting humans in overcoming adversity. Many people consider their dogs part of their family for these and other reasons. As a result, much like their children, the health of their pets is a key priority.

ADOPT A MILITARY DOG! Traditionally, throughout the U.S., our veterans are honored with National Holidays. March 13 is the day that our military dogs are honored. Moreover, military dogs join each of our service branches. And they make significant sacrifices for our country. They, like our veterans, are discharged. At that time, they need to find a forever home. Are you one who wants to adopt a retired military working dog? There are requirements, and rightly so. Join our country on National K9 Veterans Day. And find out if you are a good fit to adopt a military dog HERE!

EMERGENCIES  happen, so plan for your pets with Lifesavers for your pet at home and on the road. People need to prepare for themself as well as their spouses and other family members. Your pets are an extension of your family. And remember that emergencies are spontaneous. There is not much time. Action is required immediately. Therefore, as you plan for your family, plan for your pets. Importantly, stay Calm. As you plan, click HERE for tips.

NEW PUPPY GUIDE is a great beginner’s source for pet health and information. Firstly, congratulations. There is much to think about when you decide to bring a puppy into your home. Start with this guide if you contemplate bringing a new puppy or a rescue dog into your life. Get pointers HERE.

Many pet parents are unaware that approximately 80% of pets have some form of dental disease by age three. As you routinely see your dentist, make annual appointments with your veterinarian for routine exams. In addition to a physical wellness exam, your vet will talk to you about the nutrition and habits of your pet.